Articles filed under Customer loyalty
Most CRM strategies are obsolete. Yours too?
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
The functionality of CRM software determines CRM strategies. In this article, I explain why many companies are following strategies that have become obsolete.
Net Promoter Score (NPS): a reliable measure of customer satisfaction?
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is universally used to measure customer satisfaction. However, it was created for another purpose. Find out in this article whether the NPS is dependable and its limitations.
Customer-centric approach: definition and 3 strategic axes
Lead scoring: its 4 benefits on sales performance
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Account-based marketing: 3 advantages and 3 strategies to adopt
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Marketing automation: definition, advantages, and platforms [Guide 2023]
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Netflix Preview Club: a private panel for Netflix market research
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Trigger marketing: definition, advantages and strategy [Guide 2023]
Customer satisfaction: issues and challenges in the post-covid era
Customer Loyalty: how Nespresso takes advantage of this with a single click
France’s best craftsman does everything to ensure customer satisfaction [video]
8 factors influencing customer loyalty after a complaint